Bagaimana hendak sambung Diploma Farmasi ? Daftar Sekarang

New Student Intake for Diploma and Degree at MAHSA University. Choose Now.

Buat permohonan Diploma Farmasi : Setelah Anda memenuhi persyaratan masuk, buat permohonan masuk ke institusi pendidikan yang Anda pilih. Biasanya, institusi pendidikan akan memberikan format permohonan yang dapat diisi secara online atau manual.

Buat permohonan Diploma Farmasi : Setelah Anda memenuhi persyaratan masuk, buat permohonan masuk ke institusi pendidikan yang Anda pilih. Biasanya, institusi pendidikan akan memberikan format permohonan yang dapat diisi secara online atau manual.

Buat permohonan Diploma Farmasi : Setelah Anda memenuhi persyaratan masuk, buat permohonan masuk ke institusi pendidikan yang Anda pilih. Biasanya, institusi pendidikan akan memberikan format permohonan yang dapat diisi secara online atau manual.

Bagaimana untuk sambung belajar Diploma Farmasi di Malaysia?

Untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke bidang Diploma Farmasi di Malaysia, Anda perlu memenuhi syarat masuk yang ditetapkan oleh institusi pendidikan yang ingin Anda daftarkan.

Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk memulai proses mendaftar di program Diploma Farmasi di Malaysia:

Pilih institusi pendidikan: Cari tahu universiti atau kolej yang menawarkan program Diploma Farmasi di Malaysia. Anda dapat melakukan pencarian online atau meminta rujukan dari orang-orang yang sudah mengikuti program serupa.

Pelajari persyaratan masuk: Setiap institusi pendidikan memiliki persyaratan masuk yang berbeza. Pastikan Anda mempelajari persyaratan tersebut dengan baik dan memenuhi syarat-syarat tersebut. Beberapa syarat umumnya termasuk lulus Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) dengan sekurang-kurangnya lima subjek yang kredit termasuk Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris, Matematik, Sains dan satu subjek lain.

Buat permohonan: Setelah Anda memenuhi persyaratan masuk, buat permohonan masuk ke institusi pendidikan yang Anda pilih. Biasanya, institusi pendidikan akan memberikan format permohonan yang dapat diisi secara online atau manual.


Menunggu pengumuman: Setelah proses pendaftaran selesai, Anda perlu menunggu pengumuman dari institusi pendidikan. Jika Anda diterima, Anda dapat mendaftar dan mulai kuliah pada waktu yang telah ditetapkan.


Siapkan biaya kuliah: Pastikan Anda mengetahui biaya kuliah dan persyaratan pembayaran lainnya. Ada beberapa pilihan bantuan kewangan untuk siswa yang memenuhi syarat, seperti biasiswa atau pinjaman pelajaran.


Demikianlah beberapa langkah untuk mendaftar di program Diploma Farmasi di Malaysia. Pastikan Anda mempersiapkan diri dengan baik dan menyelesaikan semua persyaratan dengan betul untuk meningkatkan peluang diterima di institusi pendidikan pilihan Anda. Berminat untuk sambung Diploma di Malaysia daftar di @

Bagaimana hendak sambung Diploma Farmasi ? Daftar Sekarang 19
Persue Your Dream With Us Right Now Study Master or Degree or Diploma in Malaysia at MAHSA University


Persue Your Dream With MAHSA right now

Diploma – A Great Learning Package
Bachelor’s Degree – Unique Study Package
Foundation Years – A Great Learning Package

Master – A Nice Learning Package

🚶 Start a great path towards academic excellence and the future with MAHSA UNIVERSITY.

✅ Various study courses, according to the needs of the industry in Malaysia.

**Any Changes Subject to MAHSA University terms and conditions


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Our Programs

faculty learning

👨‍🎓 Open and Distance Learning

  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)

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👨‍🎓 Faculty of Pharmacy

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Diploma in Pharmacy

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faculty pharmacy
faculty finance v2

👨‍🎓 Faculty of Business, Finance and Information Technology

  • Bachelor of Accounting (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Islamic Finance
  • Bachelor of Information Technology Diploma in Accounting
  • Diploma in Business Administration
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management
  • Diploma in Hotel Management
  • Diploma in Restaurant Management
  • Diploma in Marketing
  • Diploma of Information Technology

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👩‍🎓 Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Hons)
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma of civil engineering
  • Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Diploma in Material Measurement

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faculty engineering
faculty dentist

👩‍🎓 Faculty of Dentistry

  • Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS)
  • Diploma in Dental Technology

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👩‍🎓 Education and Language Center

  • Diploma in Early Childhood Education
  • Diploma in Education (TESL)

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faculty medicine

👨‍🎓 Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing

  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Biotechnology (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Health Care Practice
  • Bachelor in Hospital Management (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Public Health
  • Diploma in Para-medical Science
  • Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
  • Diploma in Nursing Advanced
  • Diploma in Midwifery Advanced
  • Diploma in Pediatric Nursing Post-Certificate in Renal Nursing
  • Foundation, Faculty of Dentistry

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👨‍🎓 Pre-University Study Center

  • Basic Science
  • Business Basics

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faculty student v3
faculty science

👨‍🎓 Faculty of Health Sciences

  • Master of Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor of Environmental Safety and Health (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Medical Imaging (Hons)
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)
  • Diploma of Physiotherapy
  • Diploma in Medical Imaging
  • Diploma in Environmental Health

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*Any changes are subject to MAHSA University terms and conditions

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MAHSA UNIVERSITY is equipped with the latest facilities for study and recreational activities such as

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Online and face-to-face learning

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Laboratory with the latest technology

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Accommodation on campus

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Sports facilities

Loan Sponsorship and Finance:

  1. PTPTN
  3. MARA
  4. ZAKAT
  5. PSD

*Rebates / scholarships / discounts are subject to terms and conditions.
*Any changes are subject to MAHSA University terms and conditions

Please Provide Information or Contact Mr. Am for Further Inquiries Regarding New Student Admission for DiplomaFoundation Year and Degree at MAHSA University.

*Any changes are subject to MAHSA University terms and conditions


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*MBBS, DENTISTRY and Others Sponsored by MARA (Study at MAHSA University subject to term and conditions.) Apply Now.

Open to students who are want studying full-time at the First Degree level in a specific field at a selected Institute of Higher Education (IPT) in the country. Apply now study at MAHSA University.

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